These consist of Solos, Duos, Trios. We generally allow dancers to add a specialty routine (duo/trio) when they are in the Petite age level and have had a few years of experience. Our LDI professional competitive team of teachers will determine what your dancer is ready for each season, but we are happy to consider requests. Please know that we put a lot of thought into our decisions to do what we think is best for each of our dancers. Also, please note that not all specialty routines will always be able to be performed in our main recital shows at the end of the year. This privilege is given to our older dancers first and if need be/possible we may hold a "Specialty Showcase" .
Please remind your dancers that group routines should take the main focus. If a student is violating our competitive team contract in any way, including missing weekly classes, or being regularly tardy, we will stop rehearsals for specialty routines. Dancers are expected to practice on their own and come to each session knowing what was taught in the previous session in order for the instructor to progress the routine. The more the dancers take the responsibility to practice on their own, the less extra lessons the routines will need to succeed.
**We also are asking that any dancer requesting a specialty routine also enrolls in the Open Conditioning + Combo class this season. Taking on a specialty routine requires more from our dancers and these extra classes will offer a well-rounded approach to their dance training to enhance overall performance and well-being. It will help keep their endurance up and provide injury prevention.
We ask that all dance families please respect the time of our instructors and our studio schedule. If you need to cancel a lesson, please do so AT LEAST 72 HOURS IN ADVANCE so teachers have enough time to adjust their schedules accordingly. If cancellations or "no-shows" happen more than once, charges for the lesson will be applied automatically.
If there is an open room available, we welcome the dancers to practice on their own as well - you can check available rooms/times at the front desk. We always see a big difference in routines with dancers who put in extra time on their own and hope you will help encourage our dancers to do this when time allows.
1. We will automatically register your dancer for all specialty routines at all of our main competitions,
unless we get a confirmation from you well ahead of time that you would not like a routine(s) to be registered.
In order to cover our staff for the time to complete the registrations, please know a $5 fee will be added to the competition's set registration fees. Registration fees generally range from $100-$125 for solos, and $65-$75 for duo/trios.
2. Dancers are welcome to participate in other competitions,
but need to be registered by LDI so please contact us if you would like to attend any extra events.
3. Starting earlier allows our dancers to...
work longer thus becoming more confident with routines!
focus on this choreography before beginning their group dances
have more opportunities to compete their routines at earlier competitions for more experience!
****However - this also means they will be responsible for keeping up with the routine(s) throughout the entire season.
So we ask you to please help your dancers continue to work on the routine, even if you are not meeting regularly with your choreographer!
This is due to the CHOREOGRAPHER via cash or check at or before the first scheduled rehearsal.
This fee includes the choreography, a set number of thirty minute sessions with the instructor, studio fees, help with finding music, music editing, and help with costuming. If needed, we offer our families the ability to pay for their specialty number in 2 installments. The first payment (at least 50%) is to be paid at the time of the first lesson and the final payment to be due no later than at the time of the final included session.
SOLO: $325 This includes 8 thirty minute sessions.
Additional 30 minute rehearsal session pricing (after the initial 8 sessions) is $25 per lesson.
DUET: $225 This includes 9 thirty minute sessions.
Additional 30 minute rehearsal session pricing (after the initial 9 sessions) is $18 per lesson.
TRIO: $225 This included 10 thirty minute sessions.
Additional 30 minute rehearsal session pricing (after the initial 10 sessions) is $15 per lesson.
Pay for 4 extra lessons upfront & save!
4 Lesson SOLO Package = $90
4 Lesson DUO Package = $65
4 Lesson TRIO Package = $55
Since we are starting earlier, dancers may want to meet with choreographers but may not need a full lesson.
Teachers will spend 30 minutes with 3 routines so dancers can hear/get other feedback plus get the opportunity to perform more in front of others! (These do not need to be schedule with your choreographer. We believe this will really help them hone their performance skills and grow their confidence this season!
Each Small Group Cleaning Session = $30 total (this price is divided by number dancers attending)
All dancers on the LDI competitive team may participate in this routine! It is a wonderful way for our team members to bond as it encompasses dancers of all ages! It is a longer routine which will encompass many different styles of dance. There will be full group sections where every participant will dance, and also smaller group sections showcasing our dancer's best skills! Some rehearsals may need all dancers to attend, and some will just be for those smaller groups which we will set after our first initial rehearsal.
Rehearsal fees will be $8/hr.
Fees will be added to your monthly tuition unless you have paid for the year upfront.
We are going to plan 1-2 mandatory FULL DAY REHEARSALS to teach the choreography. This date will be determined based on teacher and student availability. Once we have a final list of students interested in participating, we will send out a survey with date options to determine the date that works best for the majority of our students. After this, we will continue to clean the routine as needed, and these rehearsals will most likely be monthly on the after school or on the weekend through the Fall, and in the Winter/Spring will be determined based on what is needed to prepare for the first competition. The production routine will be competed at our 3 main competitions and also performed in the main recitals. Please Note: This routine will now count as one of your dancer's competition routines through booster club! This means that dancers now have the opportunity to fundraise to cover the cost of entry fees.
If you have any questions before submitting, please don't hesitate to ask!